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Christmas 2024, 2025 and 2026

Dominican Republic celebrates Christmas very religiously and very festively. Many will attend special masses leading up to Christmas as well as on Christmas Eve and Day themselves. And nativity sets will be seen in public squares as well as in private homes. A public holiday is observed for Christmas Day on 25 December.

202425 DecWedChristmas Day
202525 DecThuChristmas Day
202625 DecFriChristmas Day
202725 DecSatChristmas Day
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

Public streets and buildings begin to put up Christmas lights and decorations, Christmas trees and wreaths, and otherwise convert over for the advent season as early as two months before Christmas Day arrives.

It’s Christmas Eve that’s the main day of celebration in Dominican Republic. On this day, families gather together to fellowship and feast. Roast pig, baked chicken, spaghetti, and a host of fruits, pastries, and candies will be served and indulged in by all.

On Christmas Day itself, people take time relax and recover from the previous night’s festivities.

Previous Years

202325 DecMonChristmas Day
202225 DecSunChristmas Day